Your school already has a lockdown procedure. We can help make it more effective.

In an active shooter situation, your school teaches to run, hide, or fight. In any of these cases, Hardwire security products give students, faculty, and staff the confidence to defend themselves. And thus, turn the odds in their favor.

How our School Safety Solutions work
How our products fit into your lockdown procedure
How our products fit into your lockdown procedure


Remove shield from wall and grip outer handles.


Hold firmly with arms extended, positioning yourself between the door and students.


Minimize exposed body areas while allowing shield to absorb gunfire.


Use shield to attack, disarm, and pin shooter until first responders arrive.

A School Resource Officer can't be everywhere at once.
Our safety products can.

Actual school without Hardwire

Actual school without Hardwire

Same school with Hardwire

Same school with Hardwire
Door Locks/Entrances
Door Locks/Entrances
School Resource Officer
School Resource Officer
Hardwire Bulletproof Shields
Hardwire Bulletproof Shields

Browse our School Safety Products

Schools have used our solutions for a decade.

Hardwire has been providing ballistic protection in schools since the tragic Sandy Hook Shooting. Teachers, faculty, and School Resource Officers over the years have felt safer with armor in their schools.

Mr. Morrison

Mr. Morrison

Principal, Gilson Middle School

Mrs. Norris

Mrs. Norris

Music Teacher and Director, Valdez High School

Mr. Hill

Mr. Hill

P.E. Teacher, Gilson Middle School

SRO Lorrie Goff

SRO Lorrie Goff

Johnson City, TN

Baltimore County SROs

Baltimore County SROs

Towson, MD

Sgt. Erin Payne

Sgt. Erin Payne

Omaha, NE

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