
When you create technology this revolutionary, people notice. Here you’ll find the latest articles, information, and new stories about Hardwire armor.

Hardwire | OCMD Sunfest Sponsor for 2021

Hardwire | OCMD Sunfest Sponsor for 2021

Hardwire's main goal for Sunfest was to supply added protection to the event and to educate Sunfesters about bulletproof consumer products that can be worked into everyday life. This year, Hardwire handed out and donated 2,000 face shields to event-goers to increase protection against Covid-19 at the 2021 OCMD Sunfest.  
Ready for Travel: Summer Essentials

Ready for Travel: Summer Essentials

Can I take body armor on the air plane? Is it legal to have a bulletproof insert in my carry-on? We have the answers! Learn about how to travel safe this summer!

Flag at Half-Mast for San Jose

Hearts hang as heavy as our flag at half-mast, as our country laments lives lost in San Jose, CA. Hardwire LLC offers protection in these trying times.
Body armor company donates $6M worth of COVID-19 face shields to NYC DOE

Body armor company donates $6M worth of COVID-19 face shields to NYC DOE

A Maryland body armor company is donating 2 million face shields to the Department of Education worth $6 million, officials said Wednesday. The firm, Hardwire LLC, said it made the...
Hardwire Donates Two Million Face Shields to New York City Schools

Hardwire Donates Two Million Face Shields to New York City Schools

Hardwire, LLC, the leading provider of life saving armor solutions to the military, law enforcement, schools and businesses, is proud to announce its donation of two million face shields to New York City’s Department of Education.

Ohio prosecutor offering shields to schools to protect against shootings

Public and private schools in Union County are being offered a new safety tool Thursday, but with the hope that it’s never needed. County Prosecutor Dave Phillips has purchased 25...

What Products are Right for Your Kids?

Hardwire's Founder/CEO, George Tunis, was featured on Fox 45 Baltimore to educate families regarding the many levels of protection Hardwire makes keep your kids safe, both in and out of the classroom.

WATCH FOX46 WJZY: Bulletproof products advertised to stop an AR-15 are put to the test

JULIAN, NC (FOX 46 WJZY) - FOX 46 is putting armor advertised to stop an AR-15 to the test. The station planned a follow-up to our previous test on Friday, May 18. What...

WCPS Installs 58 emergency response shields at schools across the county

Newark, MD, May 15, 2018– This week, Worcester County Public Schools in partnership with Hardwire, LLC, installed emergency shields within every school to augment existing safety protocols. At its March 20,...

Keeping Schools Safe: Special Report Police Magazine

Special Report: Keeping Schools Safe from Police Magazine. Building Police-School Relationships POLICE Survey: How Would You Make Schools Safer? You Have to Go In Crowd Control Tactical Medical Response Staging...

Delmarva Now - Schools try bulletproof shields, patrols in wake of school shooting

Schools try bulletproof shields, patrols in wake of school shooting The Worcester Board of Education voted to accept $50,000 worth of donated bullet proof emergency shields from a Pocomoke-based manufacturer....
Hardwire LLC Emergency Response Shield to protect schools and offices from gun violence

Fearing mass shootings, some schools turn to armored equipment

From: Fearing mass shootings, some schools turn to armored equipmentBy AFP - March 4, 2018 @ 10:18am BERLIN: Linda Bragg wrote a “quote of the day” on the small whiteboard in her classroom,...

CBS Philadelphia - Sales Of Bulletproof School Gear Skyrocket Following Deadly Florida Shooting

CBS Philadelphia reporting.  Follow the link below to view the story featuring Hardwire LLC. Sales Of Bulletproof School Gear Skyrocket Following Deadly Florida Shooting.  

Hardwire on Front Page of Wall Street Journal

As a result of the numerous, recent school shootings, including the latest school shooting in Florida, schools are becoming more serious about safety and preparedness for active shooter situations. Hardwire...

Hardwire's Hard Workers Program

The Hardwire’s Hard Workers Program is done in conjunction with Pocomoke Middle School.  Each month, Hardwire recognizes one employee as its “Hardwire Hard Worker.”  Additionally, each month, Pocomoke Middle School...

Press Release: VPD Receives Public Safety Excellence Award

  PRESS RELEASE For immediate release: 11/28/2016 4:30 p.m.  Valdez, AK – The Valdez Police Department ALICE program received the Alaska Municipal League’s annual Public Safety Award of Excellence during...

Q&A With George Tunis: Hardwire Founder Talks About How Company ‘Global In Reach’ Aims To Enhance Human Survivability

POCOMOKE — When Hardwire LLC founder George Tunis watches tragic events on the evening news, his hearts sinks like everyone else’s, but his mind goes right to work. Horrific events in our often violent world have inspired Tunis to develop products that have saved countless lives and may end up saving countless more. Hardwire’s massive manufacturing facility sits on the banks of the Pocomoke River in southern Worcester County and is the home base for the growing defense company that creates armor for everything from the military Hum-V’s on the front lines of war in the Middle East to the bulletproof whiteboards found in classrooms all over the globe.

Yet, for a guy who spends a lot of time dealing with classified information and projects, Tunis opened up to The Dispatch in a rare sit down about how homegrown innovation could help put a stop to some of the senseless violence we see in our world.

Gov. Larry Hogan visits Pocomoke's Hardwire LLC

In an effort to put a spotlight on a few of Maryland's local businesses, Gov. Larry Hogan, as well as Sen. Jim Mathias, visited Pocomoke City's Hardwire Armor Systems on Tuesday, June 21.

Founded in 2000 by George Tunis, Hardwire produces armor technology for application anywhere from the classroom to military environments. Beginning as a company specifically focused on building and bridge protection, Hardwire expanded to military and private armor following the events of 9/11.

Tunis talked about the roots of Hardwire to Hogan, while displaying photos of the decrepit building that once stood at Hardwire's site.

"The building was disgusting," Tunis said. "At the time, that was me alone. My mom cried when she saw the building."

Bloomburg Business - The Bulletproof Classroom: Shielding Kids From Shooters

Bloomberg Business coverage of Bulletproof Whiteboards.  October 2015.

'Active shooter' incidents on the rise

The number of incidents in which a shooter opens fire on a crowd of people more than doubled over the past seven years compared with the previous seven, the FBI found in a study made public Wednesday.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation analyzed 160 "active shooter" incidents from 2000 through 2013 to look for common elements that might guide law enforcement officers in preventing the shootings or responding more effectively.

The study found an average of six incidents per year from 2000 through 2006. The number rose to 16 incidents annually in the past seven years.

Bulletproof school supplies aim to keep kids safe

Companies like Hardwire LLC. are introducing a new trend to the back-to-school marketplace: Armored backpacks, clipboards and more products that are meant to keep children safe.

VTV Family Outreach Foundation Unveils Campus Safety Self-Assessment Tools

Attend the launch Aug. 13 at George Mason University to learn more about these free assessments that cover sexual violence, physical security, hazing, mental health and more.

College sexual assault: 10 questions to ask when choosing a school

As the problem of campus sexual assault gains more attention, parents of prospective college students may wonder whether the schools they are considering are sufficiently addressing student safety – and responding both compassionately and fairly to reports of sexual misconduct. 

One resource that each school is required to provide annually is known in shorthand as a Clery report, which includes crime data and safety policies. These can typically be found online.

Fmr. student sought in N.C. community college shooting

GOLDSBORO, N.C. -- A campus employee was killed Monday morning after a shooting on the campus of Wayne County Community College in Goldsboro, N.C., and police are searching for a former student they've identified as a person of interest, officials said.


Hardwire Armor Systems outfitted Delaware’s Colonial School District this year with bulletproof whiteboards capable of absorbing ammunition from handguns, shotguns, or assault rifles. No psychiatric evaluations of the technology and the effect it could have on children were conducted.

Hardwire proudly announces its sponsorship of the VTV Family Outreach Foundation and 32NCSI in helping to promote campus safety

Hardwire is excited to sponsor the VTV Family Outreach Foundation and 32 National Campus Safety Initiative™ in supporting efforts to educate, prevent, and assist victims of campus crime.