We Stopped It.
What did we stop? For whom?
Increased Survivability
At Hardwire LLC®, our main goal is the survivability of humans. Period. Hardwire protection is for EVERYONE. From civilians to armed forces, we want people to live long, healthy lives. Here, we create products that stop bullets and buy time for those in life-threatening situations. When life comes down to the wire, our armor protects. Hardwire is the trusted supplier to the United States Marine Corps. Our bulletproof vest inserts were chosen to protect the elite soldier in the most extreme circumstances. We are trusted by police forces all over the US with armoring their vehicles, offering vehicle window armor, and supplying officers with soft body armor and hard body armor inserts. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Hardwire LLC designed and distributed +3 million face shields in 3 months to healthcare workers, schools, essential businesses, and beyond. We are here to innovate and save lives on the flip of a dime.
Returning gunfire is not the only way to protect yourself in an active shooter situation. Choose defense as an option. Defense is safe for all ages: From NIJ Level 3A and 3 bag inserts, clipboards, and emergency response shields, these options fit seamlessly into everyday life.
1 Fire Extinguisher = 1 Emergency Response Shield
Consider one of our Emergency Response Shields next to your fire extinguisher. The number of deaths due to fire in 2019 was 3,704. The US is now averaging 39,000 deaths a year due to gun violence. That is about 100 deaths a day. If preparing for the likelihood of a fire seems like a safe choice, the chance of gun violence touching your community is even higher.
You can never be too prepared; we recommend that schools and offices station our ER Shields wherever a fire extinguisher is present, in case of an emergency. Join us in the ability to stop gunfire. Watch this video to learn more about acting in active shooter situations:
Here is a complete list of products and services we offer that allow us to say “We Stopped It” on a daily basis:
Products for Direct Purchase:
Bag Inserts - Level 3A & Level 3
Contact Us for Quotes: