Hardwire protects more than a Million with its Face Shields

POCOMOKE CITY, MD (MAY 15, 2020) – Hardwire, LLC is proud to announce it has manufactured and distributed well over 1 million of its COVID-19 protective Face Shields in just over one month.
As the leading manufacturer of protective armor, the Hardwire team has scaled its production operations to produce face shields at a rate of more than 500,000 per week. Hardwire ships daily to Government customers as well as individuals.
“Our production scale equals some of the largest protective equipment suppliers helping in the COVID-19 fight,” said Hardwire CEO, George Tunis. “Our team has been working hard to get as much protection out in communities across the country as possible.”
As healthcare workers continue to fight on the front lines and states strive to reopen safely, Hardwire’s production operations remain important to ensuring critical PPE is available for all. Hardwire’s Face Shield is a comfortable and effective way of providing two-way protection against the spread of infection disease. Currently, Hardwire sells Face Shields in packs of 3, 20, 50, and 100 which can be purchased on its website (hardwirellc.com) or by phone (1-800- HARDWIRE).
About Hardwire, LLC During the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Hardwire armored U.S. military trucks against improvised explosive devices and covered the military Green Zones with hundreds of acres of anti-mortar roof protection. Since then, the Company has armored every New York City police car, covered miles of the nation’s critical bridges with armor, outfitted countless police officers with life-saving protection, and supplied the United States Special Operations Command and the United States Marine Corps with body armor.
For additional information, call Hardwire at 410-957-3669 or email solutions@hardwirellc.com.