Maryland State Police to pilot “B-Kit” Door Armor
ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, June 5, 2017 – Together with Governor Larry Hogan and Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel William Pallozzi, Hardwire, LLC announces that its Police Vehicle “B-Kit” Door Armor is being piloted by the Maryland State Police.
Hardwire’s "B-Kit” Door Armor was originally developed as a spin-off of military technology where armor goes onto the outside of a vehicle. For law enforcement vehicles, the lightweight armor attaches to the outside of the car door and is color-matched so the armor blends in with the existing vehicle.
The Maryland State Police has initiated a pilot program to explore this new technology on a limited number of vehicles.
“Recent events around the country have shown that officers need more layers of protection,” said Hardwire’s CEO, George Tunis. “Armor buys critical time to assess a situation or survive an attack. It saves lives.”
MSP, Hardwire Eye Pilot Program On Vehicle Door Armor - The Maryland Coast Dispatch