Hardwire Emergency Response Shield FAQ

What does it stop?
- The Steel Level 3+ ERS® stops ammunition from handguns, shotguns, blunt force weapons, and rifles. Essentially, this ERS® will stop any ammunition an active shooter would use from a handgun, shotgun, or AR/AK. The ERS® is tested in compliance with the NIJ Standard 0108.01 as well as the following projectiles:
7.62 x 51-mm, 149-grain M80 full metal jacket (FMJ) projectiles
7.62 x 39-mm, 123-grain mild steel core (MSC) projectiles
5.56 x 45-mm, 62-grain M855 projectiles
5.56 x 45-mm, 55-grain M193 projectiles
What does the SAFETY Act designation mean and why is it important?
Hardwire’s Emergency Response Shield was recently Designated as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology by the Department of Homeland Security. This designation not only validates the effectives of the Emergency Response Shield, but also provides liability protections that extend to buyers and users. As part of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Congress enacted the Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act (SAFETY Act) of 2002. The SAFETY Act provides incentives for the development and deployment of anti-terrorism technologies by creating systems of risk and litigation management. More information is available at https://www.safetyact.gov.
Is it big enough?
- A lot off engineering has been put into the size of this shield to optimize it for every day users. Shooters typically aim for the center of mass (torso) and what they see most easily. The ERS is 4 times larger than body armor that police officers wear and it covers the vital torso area. The size balances coverage while also ensuring that the shield isn’t too heavy to use. It also has the ability to fit easily through doorways. You need enough body coverage but you also need to be able to move with it. The shield has been designed with all of those elements in mind.
Will I get thrown backwards if I am hit while holding the shield?
- No! Don’t let Hollywood fool you. The force from the bullet will be dispersed through the shield as the projectile is stopped. This goes back to physics first principles – conservation of momentum. Since the weight of the shield is more than the weight of the gun, the force (kick) you feel in the shield will be less than the kick of the gun.
It’s heavy, how am I expected to use this?
- We know it is not light, but it stops bullets. In an emergency, adrenaline is running high. Most able-bodied adults will be able to utilize the shield under these circumstances. Remember, you don’t need to hold it for hours. You just need to grab it and respond quickly.
How is it used?
- First, we recommend the Dept. of Homeland Security’s response protocol, “Run, Hide, Fight”. If you can get away from danger safely, first, run. If you cannot escape, hide. Cover windows, lock doors, and stay out of the line of sight. However, if you are faced with the assailant and have no other options, fight to disable the shooter. This is when the shield comes into play most effectively. Grab the shield. Position yourself in an athletic, bent-knee stance. Protect your students or others around you by having them stand behind you (and the shield). Disable the assailant by rushing them with the shield, ramming into them and knocking the weapon out of their hand. The unfortunate reality is that if you have no other option but to die or fight for your life, you will be very glad to have this tool. See our training video for a full tutorial and simulation for a visual understanding.
- ERS Simulation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEZNpt2g3Ws
- ERS School Training Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dasCo7WKPM
- School ERS Training Video + DHS Run, Hide, Fight Protocol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyuU8-cYpqc
- School ERS Training Manual: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0172/4101/4372/files/1.31.25_INS-3003-B_EMERGENCY_RESPONSE_SHIELD_SCHOOL_TRAINING_MANUAL.pdf?v=1738337024
- Public Facilities ERS Training Manual:
How do I install the ERS?
- Installation Instruction PDF
- Installation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izynJa9_HHg
There are shields installed in my school, now what?
- Listed here are resources that can be used to train and educate your staff and students.
- ERS School Training Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dasCo7WKPM
- ERS School Training Video + DHS Run, Hide, Fight Protocol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyuU8-cYpqc
How do we talk to students/ children about the shields in an appropriate way? Won’t this scare children?
- We’ve conducted surveys across a number of schools that have implemented the ERS. Data shows that most children either did not notice the ERS or were glad to have it in their school. Most see it like a fire extinguisher – a tool to help in an emergency. Clear communication and education helps! Children tend to be afraid of what they do not understand or the unknown. Talking to children in an understandable way will actually help children feel safer. Also, informing parents about the school safety tools available in their community will also help parents speak with their children in effective ways. Below are some resources created by experts to help you learn more about approaching the topic of gun violence with children.
- Talking to Kids About Gun Violence |
https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/talk-about-guns.html - Talking About School Safety With Your Young Children |
https://safeandsoundschools.org/wpcontent/uploads/2020/04/Talking-About-School-Safety-With-Your-Young-Child.pdf - Age-Related Reactions To A Traumatic Event |
- Planning & Preparedness Toolkit |
https://www.safeandsoundschools.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/05/Planning-and-Preparation-Safe-And-Sound-Schools.pdf - Supporting Children & Students Toolkit |
https://www.safeandsoundschools.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/05/Supporting-Children-and-Students-Safe-And-Sound-Schools.pdf - Standard Response Protocol |
https://iloveuguys.org/standard-response-protocol/ - Hardwire ERS School Training Manual |